Friday, February 18, 2011

Oh, so this is what a vaccine clearing can look like!

This week I had a better understanding of what parents go through when their child reacts to a vaccine “clearing” and let me tell you: it is very stressful!  If you read my post from Monday you know how our week started out.  Monday was definitely the hardest day this week.  Dante did become very happy in the afternoon, however.  In fact, when I asked him, “How are you?”, he actually responded via the ipad, “I’m having a tough day”. 
So that is some good news and bad news all rolled into one!  I would never have expected him to choose so appropriately a response!

I would like to explain this “clearing” thing a little for those not familiar with this approach.  We are using remedies to clear each of the vaccines Dante had, starting with the DtaP vaccine.  We basically use each remedy in four different potencies, which should generally cover all the “energy levels” that need to be cleared.  If you work with an experienced homeopath he/she may determine whether to tweak this approach or not, meaning use other potencies or use a potency for a longer period of time.  We have been doing a potency two times a week, and then we move to the next potency.

We started out with the 30c potency which basically made Dante very tired, almost as though he was sick, but he wasn’t.  This past week we gave him the 200c, and three days later he started having symptoms very similar to those we saw in December during the yeast die-off.  He did not however have the constant random headbanging nor the pain after eating.  The symptoms he did have were:
  • A lot of peeing overnight, some nights
  • Very hungry in the morning
  • Eating and drinking lots
  • Some mild seizures, specifically when he had peed a lot overnight
  • Head was very sensitive when dressing and undressing
  • Frontal head-banging when tired or when tantruming
  • Sporadic heavy tantrums – less than 1 per day
It was hardest in the morning, until I felt he was “stabilized” with his food, supplements, and medication.  Despite all that, his days were pretty good.  Here is the feedback from his teacher for three different days this week:

  • “Extremely Happy Today” 
  • “Dante had a really wonderful day!! Lots of smiles & very happy/playful
  • "Great Mood"
I spoke with our homeopath today and he basically said this is what we expect to see if the vaccines are clearing.  Dante’s reactions indicate that there is a “toxic imprint” from this specific vaccine and his body is getting rid of it.  What I find fascinating is that the symptoms this week are so similar to when yeast is dying off for him, except without the horrible pain nor terrible effect on his behavior.  Yes, he had some “frontal” head-banging (meaning forehead to floor), but this was not very often and nothing compared to when getting rid of yeast.

The goal of our approach of course, is that Dante is indeed healing and improving.  Based on what I have observed so far into this process, Dante has not been slipping back.  He has shown different gains here and there and their display is not constant yet, but they occur randomly.

Today we started the 1M potency, and next Friday we may begin the last potency of the DTaP, 10M.  After the 10M, I expect a two week break to see where Dante is at.  This should be interesting!

We read books together before bed and Dante really enjoyed me helping him follow the letters with his finger as I read them aloud to him.  He even asked for the book “AGAIN”.  I’m hoping Dante will sleep until at least 8am tomorrow and continue to have manageable but effective clearings. 

We Pray for continued progress!

1 comment:

Lucia alonso said...

I am sure you will continue to see progress, homeopathy/CEASE is great! I will always keep Dante in my prayers. Keep posting because it sure makes my day when I know my other babies are healing! My fellow mother warriors children and their process makes me feel super good, again in my heart their my babies too! Much love Momma, keep up the fight, because one day not too far from now we will be victorious!!!!

Recovery will be ours, god is watching all our hard work, and he will help and guide us to recovery.